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You need a partner that can help you discover the best way to make use of your supplier's SKU barcodes.  To aid in properly labeling your backroom, shelving and storage spaces. What is the best way to set up a route and how to consolidate counts from different areas of the store.  Next, you need someone who understands the different types of backroom software platforms so that you can upload your counts easily.



You need buy in from the stakeholders on any change.  Does automating data collection at the restaurant level make sense to everyone involved?  How hard will it be to implement and will your managers and supervisors believe that taking these steps will make their job easier and more efficient?



Deciding to use a Digitrac engineered solution to automating inventory counts in your front line locations is a great start.  Next, we work with your IT and operations departments to fit that solution into a restaurant's daily, weekly and monthly routines.  We "train the trainer" at your locations until they feel confident about setting up the solution at each company location.  Finally, along with your people we monitor your data flows to make sure that the information you receive is correct and timely.

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